A week one-handed

Just over a week ago I played handball for exactly 1 minute and 54 seconds. I blocked my opponent, dislocated a finger on my right hand, got a yellow card and left for the hospital. A brief five hours later my hand was in a cast, immobilized for a week. Here's how that went.

Six-year Moziversary

Six years as a Telemetry Engineer at Mozilla.

oelf - Mach-O support for sqlelf

sqlelf lets you explore ELF objects through the power of SQL. It turns any executable into a queryable database. I added support for Mach-O binaries & libraries.

2023 in many words and some photos

It has become a tradition for me to look at the year that's about to end. I did so in 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 and 2014. Let's look at 2023 now.

cargo script and cgi

Everything old is new again. These days things get deployed as Cloud Functions, Lambdas or whatever FaaS it is today. But those from the old days simply stuck with CGI and that's easily possible with Rust too.

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